Milky Way
Milky Way (2015) is a commentary on the images of outer space.
It is inspired by panspermia, a theory of ‘seeds of life’ expanding and traveling everywhere in the Universe. According to the hypothesis, life on earth and therefore humans originate from these seeds.
Likewise the Sambia people in Papua New Guinea believe that humans are containers through which sexuality flows in the form of male milk and female milk.
Milky Way is a series of male milk (semen) and female milk (breast milk) shot close up on a coffee table.
Selected exhibitions 2015–2022:
ZKM / Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Stedelijk Museum, Breda, The Netherlands.
Tokyo International Photography Festival, Japan.
The Griffin Museum of Photography, USA.
Happylucky no.1, New York, USA.
Jarvis Rooney Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
Photo50 at the London Art Fair, England.
Varikko Galleria, Seinäjoki, Finland.
Foley Gallery, New York, USA.
Organ Vida International Photography Festival, Zagreb, Croatia.
Gallery Korjaamo, Helsinki, Finland.